Thursday, April 17, 2008

She Eats Cheezels

Hehe changed blogskin :D. So much nicer right ? You all must praise me for selecting such a nice blogskin LOL.

Eating Cheezels now. Oh ya I forgot I have some lame photos of Celeste. Here they are:

I can't find them but here's a nice picture of Cheese:

Nice right ? Celeste got the photo from her school website and made it SO NICE.

Just came back from English Oral. The weirdest thing is that when it was going to be my turn , I was more calm -_-".

I love ya Rebecca , Rachel , Lena , Kevina annnnddddd CLAIRE !!!! :D.

Wan Yi , Vanessa Kerk and I stayed back a while in the classroom to doodle then just when I came into the classroom , I saw Wan Yi and Vanessa reading my half diary , half guild , half song notebook. Got pissed and chased Wan Yi and attempted to strangle her^^.

The other day when I was recruiting with -SNOW-EUNICE and -SNOW-Ice there was this guy called ------CHANCE [ well I think that's his name ] went into our room and started swearing at this guy for no particular reason. He was so irritating and annoying that I blew my cool and told him to shut the fucking hell up.

Then there was another guy and he was way worse. -VIP-x33z came in and then told me that he loves -SNOW-Winter then after that suddenly tell me that he loves all -SNOW- girls cause they're all sexy then suddenly say that he love me only.Wanted to slap him SO badly . Playboy. Flirter. Moron. Plus he's 15. Lame guy. Nothing more than a piece of dirt. Wait maybe he's worse than that.

Kevina and Rachel are playing Audition now so I think I'd better catch up with them so that I can bulletin and say that Kevina is finding a couple which is level 18 and above and must be shuai ge [ 帅哥 ].

Please don't think I'm lying cause that is SO true. Last time Kevina told me that she wanted to remain single and then now she tells me she's looking for a couple. Now it's only Lena and I. Anyways I think I'm staying single. Okay really gotta go byes ~