Tuesday, February 19, 2008

She Dances That Dance

So hungry ... Today had to do duty and I didn't even go for recess. Actually our whole group did then Sabrina and Marilyn which are from our group members went off for recess and left me and Alyssa there. Then me and Alyssa insisted that we wanted to sweep the floor from 10-10.20 then after that we didn't realise the time until one of Alyssa's friends came in and asked us what we were doing then Alyssa said that we were doing duty then later Alyssa's friend pointed out that it was coming to 10.30.

Stupid XD. Then later when our teacher went out for a while Alyssa kept making me laugh cause last time our classmate Basia was almost going to fall asleep during Enrichment then after our teacher said that then she said " There is going to be the new dance. The Basia Dance. It goes like this. " Then she kept like moving her head in a circle cause that was what Basia was doing and then we all laughed then Alyssa did that right in front of me today which made me laugh like heck. She said it should be called The Bazia Dance instead of The Basia Dance.

Trying to re download Audition ... I miss it but actually it's not because of the game itself but the friends. I think now is a really good time to listen to Angela Zhang Bu Xiang Dong De which I am listening to now. Makes me feel a bit better and a bit worse. Then today when we had to do 1 stray three stay that means like one person from your group goes to another group and then whatever you get the concept right ? Okay so then Wan Yi came to our group then later we were supposed to talk about Pulleys. Then cause we didn't know how to explain so I said " Then the pulley will hit Wan Yi's head " for no paticular reason then she said " Yea and it'll hit Vanessa on the head too. " I am going very mad cause there are like erm .. Lemme go count. Oh 9 songs on my blog. Celeste doesn't know that I posted yesterday. Blur sotong XDXDDXDXDXDXDXD.

I bet she will kill me if she saw that =O. Pray that it works. I'm already missing Audition and it's only a month ! Oh I almost put a full stop behind that exclamation mark ><. My 6 year old cousin is now shouting that he wants rice. The stupidity. * sighs *. Gack nothing to write just pray that Audition will work, Byes ~ !


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