Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Eunice tagged me .

1. Real Name: Vanessa Koh Zi Lin
[ May I remind people, its NOT Zi Ling, Zhi Lin, Zhi Ling, Lin Zhi, Ling Zhi, Ling Zi . Thanksmuch^^ ]

2. Nickname(s): Nessa, Sa-sa, Vanny, Van, Vanessaur, Wanessa, the list is too long .

3. Age: Eleven going on Twelve :D

4. Horoscope: LIBRA BABY ! <3

5. Male or Female: Female lah o_o

6. Primary School: CHIJ Primary (Toa Payoh) <3

7. Secondary School: o_o ?

8. College School: O_O ?

9. Hair colour: Blackish-brown .

10. Long or Short: Medium - just below shoulder length .

11. Loud or Quiet: Loud .

12. Sweats or Jeans: Both :D

13. Phone or Camera: Phone, because theres a camera in the phone too ;D

14. Health Freak: No ... ? O_O

15. Drink or Smoke: Neither :D

16. Do you have a crush on someone: Thats not for you to know^^ Actually, I don't know ><

17. Eat or Drink: Both .

18. Piercings: None, getting 'em after PSLE .

19. Tattoos: Nope .

20. Social or Anti-Social: Social like ass :D

21. Righty or lefty: Rightyxcszxc !(:

22. First piercing: After PSLE, lols .

23. First relationship: Never had one . Lols .

24. First Best Friend: Shirin :D <3

25. First Award: Erm . Forgot . Barely get any -_-"

26. First Kiss: When I was a small girl(:

27. First Pet: Fishes, lols .

28. First Big Vacation: Erm ?

29. First Love At First Sight: Pssh .

30. First Big Birthday: In K1 / K2 when I celebrated my birthday in school ? ._.

31. First Surgery: Erm ?

32. First sport you joined: Swimming ? o_o But first sport I enjoy like ass is ice skatinngxcszxc <3

33.Orange or Apple juice: Orange juice ftw ! :D

34. Rock or Rap: Both 8D

35. Country or Screamo: Lols .

36. NSYNC or Backstreet boys?: Neither, thanksalot .

37. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: Christina Aguilera .

38 Night or Day: Both >D

39. Sun or Moon: Moon - less glaring compared to the sun .

40. TV or Internet: Internet . Can watch TV shows online what ._.

41. Playstation or Xbox: Playstation .

42. Kiss or hug: Hug . It has less germs than when you kiss . I think .

43. Iguana or turtle: Iguana . I want a pet iguana D<

44. Spider or bee: Spider :D

45. Fall or spring: Hmms ... Fall .

46. Limewire or iTunes: iTunes ? ._.

47. Soccer or baseball: Soccer ! (:

48. Eating: Nothing .

49. Drinking: My saliva ?

50. Excitement level: 0.000

51. I’m about to: Get really pissed at being indecisive because I don't know what blogskin to change to .

52. Listening to: Tuo Xie - Jolin Tsai

53.Plan for today: Sit in front of the computer and maybe watch a bit of TV .

54. Waiting for: Next next Tuesday (Escape Theme Park with Kimberly Y.) next next week (ice skating with cousins) .

55. Energy Level: On a scale of 100, 70 .

56. Thinking of someone: Nobody . Why should I be thinking of someone ? o_o

57. Want kids?: -shrugs- Maybe . But will probably adopt 'em .

58. Want to get married?: Marriage is crap . Can't say too early though .

59. When?: Never, for now .

60. How many kids do you want: o_o . At most 2 ~_~

61. Any name on the mind: None o_o

62. What did you want to be when you were little : Can't remember . I think I wanted to be a singer . Or something in the entertainment line .

63. Careers in mind: None .

64. Mellow future or wild: Wild ? ;x

65. Something you would never try: Having sex with a guy I don't know ? ><

66. When do you want to die: Never .

67. Do you have a crush?: Thats not for you to know . Actually, I'm not sure .

68. Lips or Eyes: Both ,

69. Romantic or Funny?: Funny .

70. Shorter or Taller?: Taller .

71. Protective or Caring?: Caring .

72. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous .

73. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Who cares ?

74. Sensitive or Loud?: Loud .

75. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship . Who wants a Hook-up ? o_o

76. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Hesitant .

77. Muscular or normal: Normal .

78. Kissed a stranger: Erm, no lols . But would like to try that someday LOLS XDD

79. Broken a bone: Nope .

80. Lost glasses or contacts: I stopped wearing my glasses ._.

81. Ran away from home: Not really . I just stormed out of the house and hid somewhere around the condominium, thats all .

82. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Nahh .

83. Killed somebody: Yeahh, in those awesome arcade games . <3

84. Broken someone’s heart: Mother's ? o_o

85. Had your heart broken: Forgot ._.

86. Been arrested: When I played Police & Thief with friends when I was younger and sucked at running(:

87. Cried when someone died: Touchwood - touches wood -

88. Liked a friend more than a friend: Lols . No thanks .

89. Do you believe in yourself: I suppose ._.

90. Miracles: Yes .

91. Love at first sight: Yes . But it'll probably be infatuation .

92. Heaven: Most definitely yes .

93. Santa Claus: Used to .

94.Tooth Fairy: Used to .

95. Kiss in the first date: Never had a first date, lols .

96. Angels: Yeap . Apparently, I believe in a lot of things .

97. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Hmms . I wanna be with Zhe Ruo, Kimberly Y., and Alexis, in the ice skating rink ice skating .

98. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?: Mostly yes .

99. Do you believe in God?: Yeap .

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people.
1) Annie ` Mei ,
2) Kimberly O. ` Jie ,
3) JieYi ` Chiochio ,
4) YockYen ` Koko ,
5) Rachel T. ` Cokelight .

4 hours and 5 more minutes .



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