Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Night Sky

So, we had the Growing Years programme today! Some people didn't bring form so they stayed at the library. Don't know who told me they played Murderer D: But the Growing Years programme was somewhat interesting. I won't be saying teacher's names just in case @.@"

Anyway, our first talk was basically about girl boy relationships. The teacher kept beating around the bush and she even said completely irrelevant stuff, lol. I mean, I know her main point was that we're not ready for relationships and all that, but how did that become talking about culture? I was sitting right next to Alessandra and the teacher was talking about our Asian culture and then she said " Unlike the Westerners who don't really have respect for their elders. " and so on. I kept laughing and looking at Alessandra who looked like she was going to kill her, LOL. We were sitting right in front so when the teacher stood in front of us, Alessandra used her pencil box and pretended to hit her xD

Second talk was about ... molest I think. Because our teacher said that molest is when someone touches you and you're uncomfortable with it, we all started like, stroking each other LOL. Then Wan Yi poked me and I poked her back. I got the last attack, ahahahahahaah! :D

I find the third talk the most amusing. It was about ... exhibitionists. Otherwise, flashers. Our teacher told us that there were two different types of flashers - fully naked and half naked. LOL. Because she didn't want to say pinis (I don't have a spelling problem, thank you. I just think the word is really weird and I don't want to spell it correctly.), she said " the man's goods " and " the man's products ". Which made us all laugh like madddddd. She went on to explain that we should be careful and all. Then she posed us a question - supposing you were walking home on your usual route, and then suddenly this old guy shows you his product, what would you do? Then she said, " EH, YOU DON'T CALL YOUR FRIENDS HOR! WHAT, CALL 6 HIBI COME SEE SEE! THEN IS YOU COMMITING THE CRIME LEH! " and we all laughed like mad. It was as funny as two funny things, really a hoot and a half.

Fourth talk was both about being aware and sexual abuse. Nothing much, really except for the many stories the teacher told us. Then suddenly Dana takes her pencil case which is a banana and puts it under her pinaform (?). Then she asks me to look at her pinaform and she lifts it up to reveal the banana LOOOOL. WAN YI, DON'T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU! You kept touching me lahhhhhh. Trying to molest me is it?! )<

Went back to class and Yi Ling poked me at the waist. So I shouted " OI, YOU MOLEST ME LEH! I'M NOT COMFORTABLE WITH YOU POKING ME YOU KNOW. " and she started laughing ;D We did the list of themes we wanted for grad tea. I think Boomz was the best theme ;D There was one MJ Tribute one and I told Yi Ling " I tell you, just wear one singlet, black pants, a jacket and a hat can already. " x: Then there was the Leopard Preenz (bigini) and Khaki Green ones which Lynn later erased D: THEN I HAD A SUGGESTION! I told Lynn that my suggestion was Lynn! Yeahh, we all dress like Lynn, with the white specs 8D LOL x:

Conversations with Wan Yi never fail to have no capital letters.

Vanessa says:

I got lost within the nothingness inside of me says:
*Dudette, you "Dudexcsz" me, then you keep quiet
Vanessa says:
*Yeahh man.

I got lost within the nothingness inside of me says:
Vanessa says:

I got lost within the nothingness inside of me says:
Vanessa says:

I got lost within the nothingness inside of me says:
*write s l o w l y
Vanessa says:

Theres your post, Wan Yi.


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