Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Perspective

'Sup dawgs, shawtys and homies! :B

Yeah man, imma slangstaz. <: Anyway, i'm blogging because Miss Yi Ling told me to. Its only been two days .______."

Anyway, yesterday while in class after morning assembly, saw Swee Ting in the parade square 'cuz our class windows are facing the parade square (where you can see the wonderful art on the walls! And see Alessandra run to heck knows where.) then i think Yi Ling dared Rachel to go shout "SWEE TING!" but i did it instead. Rachel's too soft 8D Swee Ting saw me and i waved to her with a retarded smile on my face. Hohoho :D

Came to class today, then chatted with Rachel, Mary, Alexis and Yi Ling. Sat on the floor with Mary while chatting, LOL.

Eh, our PE teacher is creepy. She asked us to run 4 rounds around the track and before we left she said "DON'T CHEAT ME OF MY 2M!" and i'm going "crap" /: Oh yeah, Yi Ling is 20kg heavier than me *eyebrow wiggle* <: <:

After recess i realised that i haven't put my phone in my locker yet. So hurry and went to put. Then our History teacher asked us if the plant we were growing outside of our class was to represent the environment and all that. And when we said yes, he said "One of them died" How sad. Not really.

Saw Sheryl a lot of times today ._______." Originally planned on visiting Primary school during recess but Rachel's friend said its not allowed :C Then escorted Rachel to go disturb Sheryl but all she did was admire Sheryl's huge, white Espirit wallet -.-

Oh, we have an amazingly boring English teacher. She was practically putting us all to sleep. Reading The Diary Of Anne Frank for English.

Later Anne discovered that Shirin had a super warm forehead and her hands were freakishly cold. Then we asked her to take her temperate but it was only 37.3 then Anne though Shirin's thermometer was spoilt, LOL. So Shirin used mine too and it was still 37.3 >_>

Yi Ling has amnesia. She nearly forgot her phone in her locker. HAR HAR HAR :D And she kept laughing about Swee Ting and her gay voice going "I lock y'all up!" Seriously, is it that funny that you have to laugh at it the whole day. Yi Ling, your mental state of mind is worrying.

Oh yeah, we have this History homework, its about what would happen now if supposing World War 2 happened. So i asked Celeste for some help and she said "If North Korea launched all their missiles at us, Singapore will become the new Atlantis" and 'cuz i was writing on Microsoft, i wrote "IF NORTH KOREA LAUNCHED ALL ITS MISILES AT US, SINGAPORE WILL BECOME THE NEW ATLANTIS (DOES THIS MEAN NO SCHOOL? :D)" Hoho 8D

Oh yes, i have a note to all spiders. Yes, i am a psycho freak. Now laugh.

Hi spiders. Please stop appearing in the bathtub after i'm all snuggled up and want to start bathing. It is extremely annoying how i have to waste water to kill you. So unless you do not want to die, stop coming into the bloody bathtub. I'm not scared of you guys, in case you're wondering. <:

> Jieyi
Chiochioxsz! <: Konichiwa, kimi wo Aishi teru <3 <3 <3!

> Caryn
Konichiwaaaaaaaaaaa~! Hopefully i can get into Guitar Ensemble. You? o:

> Yockyen
Vaggot hearts Yaggot to infinity and beyond! :B (L)(L)(L)!

> Annie
Thanks for tagging Husbie. :B Kimi wo Aishi teru <3 <3 <3!

Sorry Hey, Soul Sister, i haven't come yet >:
David Letterman = Nerd Amid Late TV

I wanna live a life from a new perspective.


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